
Ultime notizie

Virus masquerading as Microsoft support update

May 2003

BitDefender announces the release of a new removal tool against the high-spreading mass-mailer Palyh

BitDefender, an award-winning provider of security software and services, today announces the release of a new removal tool against the high-spreading mass-mailer Palyh (Win32.Palyh.A@mm).

In order to gain users trust, the mass-mailer fakes the support e-mail address from Microsoft ([email protected]). “This kind of social-engineering is usual for the latest viruses”, says Mircea Ciubotariu, Virus Researcher at BitDefender. “Still, it is a very efficient trick and it works every time. The worm is spreading high, so we immediately released a free tool for users already affected by the virus”, Mircea concluded.

The BitDefender Antipalyh tool kills the virus process from memory, deletes the files created by Palyh and repairs the Windows registry.

To prevent the virus from replicating itself from infected machines to clean machines, BitDefender specialists advise you to try disinfecting all computers in the network before rebooting any of them, or unplug the network cables.

Please visit our free tools section for more information or for other antivirus free tools.
